Magic hot dogs

Serves 4

You’ll need 4 long, thin, freshly cut sticks for this. Use a sharp knife to trim the bark away from the area you’ll use for wrapping your bread around. Alternatively if you have very long skewers then these would also work. Although you’d need to be careful as the ends that you hold may get quite hot. Alternatively, you can use skewers and cook them on a grill. Making sure to turn often.

For peace of mind, buy the ready to eat frankfurter sausages which can be eaten straight from their pack. This way, you don’t need to worry about them having heated through to a certain point whilst you cook the bread.


  • 300g self raising flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 175ml – 200ml whole milk (or water if preferred)
  • 4 large frankfurter sausages
  • olive oil
  • sea salt


  1. Heat your barbecue or fire ready for direct grilling.
  2. Put the flour into a mixing bowl and add 1tsp salt. Mix well, then slowly pour in 175ml of the milk along with a dash of olive oil, mixing as you add. You should reach a dough consistency. Add a little extra milk if needed. Knead the dough for a few minutes until smooth and elastic.
  3. Thread the frankfurters onto the sticks so that the stick runs through from top to bottom.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 and roll each piece into a long sausage shape. Twirl the sausage shape around the frankfurter in a spiral shape, sticking one end to your stick to secure it at the beginning and the other end when you finish your spiral.
  5. Once your fire is hot and the embers are glowing brightly, spread the embers out a little. Hold the stick over the embers, but not touching them, turning the stick often so that they cook evenly. Cook until the outside of the dough is golden brown and they have puffed up slightly. The inside should be cooked and the frankfurters warm. This could take up to 15 minutes, so if you have a way of suspending the sticks safely over the fire then you can get on with other things whilst they cook. Just remember to keep turning them.
  6. Once cooked, remove and slide the stick out of the frankfurter then eat and enjoy!

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Kate Humble
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